AN INTRODUCTION... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Retired, but not too retiring, a work still in progress. I enjoy many things: Music (making it & appreciating it), balance (within myself, in my relationships, and in my world), Tai Chi (practicing & teaching), cooking (especially for friends), Dancing, Karaoke!, teaching, mentoring, reading, some crafts...and trying daring things on my birthdays. I've been single, married, now widowed, but not forever. I thought I was straight; found out I'm not; am happy about it. Believed in God, then god, then Universe; now happy not knowing and just being stardust until or unless I find out differently.


January 05, 2021

December 26, 2020

July 04, 2018

March 29, 2017

March 28, 2017

June 13, 2015

June 06, 2015

May 29, 2015

January 29, 2014

November 23, 2012

August 08, 2012

September 20, 2010

August 31, 2010

October 09, 2009

October 07, 2009

August 31, 2009

January 17, 2009

December 25, 2008

December 14, 2008