The new word is Ferangstall.
It is Ferocious. and Ferociousness ......and.......Angst
..................................and.........Stalling(? yes, probably..)
.................................................and........................................Drama... certainly...
And All Mine.
And the toothaches subsided, and then came back like a bad habit. This morning, I had two teeth removed and am on antibiotics, myself, now. And they leave a hole that will show. And I am even more vain than I knew.
About the last thing that happened at AHC of Glendale was a meeting with a speech/cognition therapist. Part of the time all three of us were there. Then she sent me out for a bit while she & Joel did some tests. Then she had me come back. There are some definite issues with Joel's cognition. She is easily distracted; her short-term memory sucks; she can become mildly or moderately paranoid; and some of these symptoms may not go away. Some may.
No way to know. Both of us miss Chris, the therapist.
She is back in the hospital, but set to go to another rehab as soon as the right wound vac equipment can be ordered and delivered. Perhaps tomorrow, Sunday, the 14th. Maybe Monday.
So, I say I don't want guests and what do I get? Unannounced guests. As soon as Kathryn and Marcia heard that Joel had been readmitted to the hospital, they got in their little car and drove 500 miles to see us. Thankfully, they called me from Tucson so I had a couple of hours to settle into the realization that they were really almost here, and to get over the thoughts of the things they could have brought me had they only asked! (yes, I'm still me)
And also thankfully, they didn't call because I would have thought of a ton of reasons for them not to come. They stayed only two nights - in my bungalow. It worked! I wish I had had the camera in my hand when Joel saw them standing in the doorway of her room. Priceless.
It was wonderful. They fed me twice and filled the frig with yummy leftovers. We shared a few beers and lots of laughs and I didn't know how much I needed the sight of a familiar face until I saw theirs.
They left again on Friday, seeing Joel again on the way out. So, in addition to taking care of our two dogs, they drove 1000 miles for us between Wednesday morning and Friday night. It was a perfect experience for me, and extremely generous of them. How can Thank You be enough for that?
As for busy brains, I found this:
Time for bed...maybe a tylenol... sweet dreams, kiddos.