All went well. My worry was for nothing... well, not exactly for nothing. I'm grasping, hopefully, that worry really is a waste of time. And I did relax into my favorite: it will all work out well. Sure enough, it did. Details later maybe, but they are not important.
Everything remains on schedule for Joel's surgery on Oct. 21 st.
Meditation and Tai Chi in a small hotel room proved to be interesting. I used my cell phone for a flashlight. :) and I had the presence of mind to put everything to hand before we sacked out. 365 Tao, Zen and the Art of Archery, and my tiny portable CD player... yes, I know I'm hopelessly lagging behind the techno trends of the day.
The Yang form simply would not fit in the room. I did a couple of repetitions of 5 Elements, then did 3 of Yang outside the room after the sun and Joel were up. Nice. Beautiful day.
This morning was nice, too. Back home in my normal space. And wonder of all wonders, the Family slept in until 9:15 am when I woke 'em up myself.
I'm liking this 102 Days. It's really working. and however much the mind chatters, the butt stays in the chair.
Off to Tai Chi class in 5 minutes, in the glorious fall light of this beautiful area in which I live.
have a great evening; I am. :)