It's shortly after 9:00. I sleep between meds doses: 1:45 - 5:45 and 6:00 to when I wake - usually 7:30-8:00.
I've done 35 minutes of sitting in the chair. And I've read today's 365 Tao. The poem part is this:
"Fog makes the world a painting obscure.
Even close trees are half unseen.
But a lonesome crow won't stop calling:
He objects to being in this dream."
The last line of the reading is:
"We have eyes to see, but we also have voice to refute the existential delusion."
My Tai Chi class read that today; I miss them, and the discussion that might have followed. But I'll be up in a minute from here, and I will finish the Form with them.
My sitting brought me, I think, a method for letting the dogs sleep in the room and still protect Joel's leg. We'll see what she thinks later.
And Jennifer - our favorite home health person in the World - will be here by late morning. So looking forward to that!
Beautiful, bright, sunny morning. All is well. Even when I forget to remember. :)