Chatter-chatter-chatter will my rabid-monkey brain never be silent?!
It's a gorgeous morning again today. I'm having lunch with a good friend. Very happy about that.
The meditation practice is done. I let a cat cut me short. (whew) And I found myself slouching in the chair. Over and over!
Perhaps my zafu will help tomorrow, if the hips allow. We'll check it after I finish this posting. Working on the breath in the meditation part didn't really seem to help this morning. The best I can say is that I stayed there for 20 minutes. The worst that I can say is that I fidgeted, and thought way too much for my satisfaction.
And there is the rub, I see. I don't need shouldn't need to be satisfied. My goal, over these 102 days, is to lose as much of Ego as I can. Judging my 'performance' lets me know that I am not closer to that.
Zen and the Art of Archery is helping a little with perspective. In the Japanese schools these disciplines are taught over years, not some little series of days.
Tai Chi, this morning, went quite a bit better, I think. Here, forcusing on the breath DID help. I began and ended this section of my Practice with the 5 Elements form, and practiced the Yang for 3 full times with some repeats of some sections...about 20 minutes, but it felt much better than yesterday. Though my mind chattered, it seemed easier to get back into the breath and out of my head, for moments at a time. :)
And one day, I'll be measuring the efforts less, too. Funny woman...
Be happy in the day, if you choose.
Bears Won last night!