Happy Day 10.
I'm beginning to settle in to a routine. On the best mornings I'm up somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30 or 6:00. On those mornings it's easy to get both meditation and Tai Chi done while the household is still asleep. I enjoy it more when I get the meditation portion done before the pups wake up. Even with a door closed, they can make their presence felt. :)
And the Tai Chi has been easier to get into the day even when everyone is up. Once the dogs are fed and walked, and the 2nd cup is consumed, we all fall into our regular rhythms and just ignore one another for several hours. All good...
In the form today, I found my mind wandering rather a lot. I switched to a very fast pace for the next set, and then slowed it all way down to a molasses pace for the last one. The changes helped a lot. The slower one felt more relaxing today.
It's a good day... again.