Approaching 65?
Everything I researched (& I did a LOT) will happily tell you about Medicare Parts A,B,C, & D.
A & B are the two parts of 'Medicare'; you'll probably want them both. B has costs.
D is for Drugs; you'll want one of those, too, probably.
Part C is the TRICKY one; the 'Advantage' -type plans...stuff like AARP wants to sell you.
There MAY be real reasons why this is good for you... can't think of any for myself.
PLAN F are the ones you will not hear about. In my Opinion, they are by far the best.
With a Plan F, you will pay a monthly premium (like ALL the C plans) and
THERE WILL BE virtually NO OTHER COSTS: no deductibles, no co-pays; use your own docs... COOL.
I just got mine; Joel has had hers a few years already.
There has been ZERO out-of-pocket costs for her...
Please ask me or - BETTER YET - Ask your favorite trusted insurance agent. Mine is Doug Dent, a prince who covers a LOT of NM.
I used to have a 'bookmarked' page from the medicare(dot)gov site that was a chart of ALL the plans available. They ran/run alphabetically from A to N, and did indeed include Plan F options.
Interestingly, all I get now is a 'page not found' message. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...?!
With a Google search for "medicare plan f" I did find this link:
It appears to be the same chart. It is a pdf document; the chart is on page 11. Please note that Plan F is the ONLY one to cover everything.
So, you CAN find it; but, only if you know to look.
Cousins, sibs; you're right behind me. Heads up!
I truly have no idea why this is a deep dark secret. And I would NOT have known about it if it were not for my most excellent Doug Dent (linked above).
And just so you know... For my 65th b-day celebration, I will be jumping off a bridge over a river on Cape Cod. I expect it to be MUCH more fun than the mechanical bull I rode (briefly) on my 55th. :) No, not a bungee jump; just me leaping then getting wet! I thought I had a picture of it but can't find one... there WILL be one after the jump. See you...