Do the fates allow? Are there Fates? hmmm...
I think not.
(This post is growing out of inspiration from Ursula in her comment on my previous post.
Thanks, Ursula; this kind of conversation is one of the main reasons I blog. )
Now then: for me, No Fates.
I've always had a problem with trying to understand or believe in a god that could say to her/his/? children, "No. He can have that, but you can't." Or "suffering" makes you holy".
What I've come to understand and believe now is that there is Source -(One) (God) (Cosmic Mind)- whatever name it has/uses - we use - it is all the same. And that One has manifested all over this planet as the things we see: humans, animals, rocks, weather, everything pretty much that we might associate with a loving spiritual entity.
And my circumstances in this life on this planet is directly related to my personal allowing of that Source to operate in, as, and through me.
This belief is changing the way I look at everything. Most especially at myself.
It's not scary this time.
When I'm in the flow of the energy of Source, I am joyful. The lessons come in learning to stay in that flow; how to notice when I'm not in it; and the steps to take to return to it as soon as possible.
These theories also buck a lot of my religious background, the beliefs of people close to me - indeed, a great deal of the population! So I tussle with myself from time to time - sometimes hour to hour : )
This is all you get today. Deep - must sit with it/in it... later friends