Retired, but not too retiring, a work still in progress.
I enjoy many things: Music (making it & appreciating it), balance (within myself, in my relationships, and in my world), Tai Chi (practicing & teaching), cooking (especially for friends), Dancing, Karaoke!, teaching, mentoring, reading, some crafts...and trying daring things on my birthdays.
I've been single, married, now widowed, but not forever.
I thought I was straight; found out I'm not; am happy about it.
Believed in God, then god, then Universe; now happy not knowing and just being stardust until or unless I find out differently.
First I was afraid; now I'm PETRIFIED!
I've read this article twice now. Here's an excerpt:
from AQ who blogs at Always Question
Here's where I stand at the moment. Like AQ, I have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and I'm fat. (I can say, thankfully, that I have no history of cancer; though my Mom had breast cancer - successfully treated by surgery.) As far as medical records go, her history is a part of my history.
I also have health insurance for which I pay almost $250/month. To keep the payments that low (!?) I have a high deductible and a lot of limits about what can/cannot be treated. Those factors, plus a suspicion about the info that goes into the "system" has kept me going slow and almost holding my breath about having any of these checked out again. Basically, I have health insurance I'm afraid to use.
I'm a long way from Medicare, though, at 61, and now I'm basically terrified.
And THAT'S a pisser because I'm also convinced that "thoughts we hold in mind, produce in kind".
I want to scream, and then kill somebody! Hopefully, not myself.
rather than to struggle/fight AGAINST something.
There is little doubt that I am being called into battle, now. I feel like David in front of Goliath, who is, of course, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and Traditional Western Medicine which knows a lot about illness and very little about health.
I'm being called to battle and I am very pissed! And I'm worried that I/we can't fight it fast enough to make a difference in MY lifetime. That doesn't make the battle less important, it just leaves me scared - and that affects my health - and that makes me scared.....
SHIT! What a tail-chaser.
I'm going for a walk with Mango, then I'm going back to my meditation cushion and see if I can surrender all this turmoil in this moment.
If you're concerned about health care, I suggest you read this and lots of other articles on the subject. TGB has many in these categories: Health and Universal Healthcare. You know I'm partial to the folks over there, but just Google the subject; there is no dearth of information.
Posted by Kate on January 28, 2009 in Aging, Journal , Social Commentary - Mine & Others' | Permalink
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