Retired, but not too retiring, a work still in progress.
I enjoy many things: Music (making it & appreciating it), balance (within myself, in my relationships, and in my world), Tai Chi (practicing & teaching), cooking (especially for friends), Dancing, Karaoke!, teaching, mentoring, reading, some crafts...and trying daring things on my birthdays.
I've been single, married, now widowed, but not forever.
I thought I was straight; found out I'm not; am happy about it.
Believed in God, then god, then Universe; now happy not knowing and just being stardust until or unless I find out differently.
There's always a lot to be
thankful for if you take time to look for it. For example I am sitting here
thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt.
One of the many things no
one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice change from being
Lord, (…or Lady or Buddha, or Krishna or God or god or goddess...whatever works in & for your heart) Keep your arm around my shoulder and your hand over my
And you might note that some (much) of what has happened to and in the food industry and to our food, is the result of ...wait for it...lobbyists and politics. Arrrgggggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!
Politics has always been a tricky subject to discuss reasonably. I'm not totally sure that the words 'politics' and 'reason' aren't oxymoronic when used in the same sentence.
I find it very difficult, also, to paint myself with only one political brush: I don't claim to be a Republican; I'd rather not proclaim myself a Democrat. But I find that being an Independent in the nation who's forefathers penned a Declaration on the subject, actually decreases some of my options in an electoral process - such as voting in primaries.
I find that interesting, and disconcerting.
And, given the nature of political campaigns as they have come to be
operated - I refer to the mudslinging, muckraking, 'spinning' - I feel
that anyone with an interest in holding a political office, may be, by
temperament and character, unqualified to hold that office.
There is also considerable evidence to support the belief that NM poll results may not be a true reflection of how her citizens voted - as is true in about 42 other states. Here's a Wikipedia article on the subject throughout the US: This one is from Alternet on the Feb. Democratic caucus in NM: You know you can find tons more on this subject if you want to do so...
Just so you know, up front, I support Obama now. Mostly, I think of myself as pretty liberal. AND I hold some opinions that agree on some issues with Republicans. I believe that most of us could find some places where we could agree with different parties on different issues - or pieces of issues.
The thing is, the campaign is only marginally about issues anymore.
I started this post with the idea of posting a video that came to me by email. Like I do, I sought to find out all that I could about the "who" of the author(s) of the video. Turns out I like 'em, believe that they mean to be honest in their presentation, etc.
The film I meant to embed here is at and was produced by the Brave New Films group. I hope you'll go watch it, but I'm not going to embed it here.
My favorite fact checker,, does not mention this one. They deal primarily in critiquing political campaign ads from both parties, not individual online stuff.
I go back to my beliefs that this country needs a major, complete overhaul of our electoral system:
Down with the Electoral College; the need does not exist and has not for decades.
Down with campaign commercials entirely. Allow coverage of debates, town meetings, etc. for all candidates equally.
Down with lobbyists, period.
Find a way to eliminate this huge need for a candidate to raise money to fund her/his political campaign; control what each party can spend in an effort to keep all candidates in a race that can then be decided on the issues.
What I really fear is that there are not enough critical thinkers left in this country to see past the 'spin', the misdirection, the outright lies that infest the campaigns we see every day. Whatever your political opinions may be, I truly hope they are informed, and not just knee jerk responses to the political commercials we see on television today. And I hope that in forming these opinions, you rely on much more than the network news of regular television.
Today's Time Goes By, in an article about elder poverty and the outlook for the future posted a great video by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont). Note: Independent! I found the sound-track distracting, so I tracked down this version: (This is a video I think YOU SHOULD WATCH. And be shocked and embarrassed. I believe that the worst part of nasty politics has made this so.)
I swear, if we gave as much energy to fixing the electoral system or Social Security as we do to keeping the "Others" out of our way, we'd have a whole new country and a lot more global respect.
This particular rant was inspired by yet another group trying to stomp on the rights of some of us - this one about gay marriage. Usually, I link articles I comment on here, but if you want to read any of that kind of stuff, go find it yourself.
But 'others' can be anyone - in certain circles, even you: Gays (that broad category that covers SO many), illegal aliens (in Roswell, they're green), Jews, Hispanics, Little People,...basically anyone different from you.
So, I ask: who do you want to be when you grow up? Wise? Christ-like? Loving? Open-minded?
Or are you one of those who say, "my mind is made up; don't confuse me with facts."?
Good grief!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to T''ai Chi class in hopes of lowering my blood pressure and enjoying a few deep breaths, and in letting go of my own prejudices for my "others", the ones who want to believe I'm different from themselves.
I've thought of that myself at supermarkets where they are so excited to tell me how much I've "saved". I hope you find it funny, too.
And if you actually need to budget, there are links to his site. I recommend it and his program as practical and easy to use and at a budget-friendly price. :)
Heaven Help Us...
I swear, if we gave as much energy to fixing the electoral system or Social Security as we do to keeping the "Others" out of our way, we'd have a whole new country and a lot more global respect.
This particular rant was inspired by yet another group trying to stomp on the rights of some of us - this one about gay marriage. Usually, I link articles I comment on here, but if you want to read any of that kind of stuff, go find it yourself.
But 'others' can be anyone - in certain circles, even you: Gays (that broad category that covers SO many), illegal aliens (in Roswell, they're green), Jews, Hispanics, Little People,...basically anyone different from you.
So, I ask: who do you want to be when you grow up?
Or are you one of those who say, "my mind is made up; don't confuse me with facts."?
Good grief!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to T''ai Chi class in hopes of lowering my blood pressure and enjoying a few deep breaths, and in letting go of my own prejudices for my "others", the ones who want to believe I'm different from themselves.
Posted by Kate on August 16, 2008 in Consciousness, Current Affairs, GLBTQ, Journal , Mastery, Politics & Political Opinion - mine & others, Rants, Peeves & Put-offs, Social Commentary - Mine & Others' | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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