We did not make quorum for this meeting, but since we never established any guidelines for such stuff, we just carried on. Made decisions and everything!
The business part of the meeting included talking about the film Antonia's Line that we will watch at our next meeting on July 12, 2019. As a group, we had not really thought through the idea of watching a film and trying to discuss it, when the film itself is about 1:45hr long. The current plan is now this:
We'll have dinner and a Show! The meeting will be back to the usual 3:00 pm time. We watch first, take a break for supper, then discuss what we saw; though supper and the discussion will probably overlap. Supper will be something casserole-ish that will cook itself, and a salad. At the moment I'm thinking of a big spinach pie ala Spanakopita, and yes, there will be a few things to munch on during the movie). Feel free to holler if you don't like this idea, but really...makes sense to we 5.
Next, Angela shared a flyer from Rosemary's Herb Shop about a product she offers called Really Deep Sleep. Angela has not used it for long, yet, but feels that is definitely helping her sleep.
Irma offered to facilitate our 4th Friday meeting and will let us know the topic when she chooses one.
There are New links up on the Links page. end of business, on to topic.
As you could tell from my emails, I struggled a bit with choosing a topic. And we may revisit at some point my first idea of Ritual or Capital P Practice.
But we went with Euthanasia, a rich and deep and compelling subject. Five of us were here; all of us approve of the idea and want legislation that would make it legal everywhere, even when we might not want to use it ourselves.
We shared a bit first about what a Good Death for each of us might be. We all had similar ideas of how that might look:
- Pain-free was a high priority!
- With friends/family
- By choice if at all possible
- At home
- Laughing
- Conscious and aware
We had similar ideas about when the right time might be:
- a terminal diagnosis
- dementia or Alzheimer's
- uncontrollable pain
- when we can no longer do the things that 'feed' us, whether that is our shared life with a sp0use, hobbies, music or art, etc.
We heard about the Neptune Society from Angela. The Neptune Society is a national organization that sells cremation services in 45 locations, including Albuquerque.
There are other companies who offer similar services, and most local funeral homes will allow you to pre-pay for the services you want.
I may have Death Cafe linked elsewhere on this blog, but I'm putting it here, anyway; (two links). This article is from NPR.
Exit International is a site I mentioned to you, having heard of it from someone who had first-hand knowledge of the successful use of it's non-medical information for ending one's life. From this link here, you can learn about the company, founders, mission, etc. I have linked to a specific article on Euthanasia on our Links page. I have signed up to get their email newsletter and let you know what I think.
We felt also that this subject, Euthanasia, is one we may want to pursue in greater detail. Particularly information from sites like Exit International, because no form of assisted suicide is legal in New Mexico. Or at least, not now. The latest efforts to pass a bill were defeated in March of this year. Kate suggested that a small committee might want to take on further research. Mostly we agreed on that, but felt that a larger number of members could make a better call about that. It won't be a topic on the 12th, but it will come up again, I'm sure. If you are intrigued by this subject, as I am, share whatever you find, or post here in comments.
Disclaimer: Links to businesses selling or offering anything, whether product or service or information, are there For Your Information Only.
Neither I, nor any member (or friend or associate of a member) is a substitute for your own good sense and/or your own research.