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June 2021

Documenting Death

I found this video today. I may join Twitter just to see how this went forward.
I'm impressed, to say the least.

I still have pics of Joel from that last summer...
this is not those...


What do you think of this level of sharing?

What do you want to hear from friends and family if your death was to be similar to this?

More prep for the 'letter' I think.


"Why the World is Going Crazy" (and the un-quoted comments on this topic.

and maybe a part of an upcoming Re-introduction email (it's a 'letter' in my mind :). )

This video I found at random (?) on YouTube:


The author/commentor, Jamie Wheal, introduces himself in the video that came from Big Think.

I agree with most of what he is saying here.

leaving this unfinished in favor of a tall fresh homemade lemon-limeade pleasantly laced with vodka, and a movie... TTFN. :)