Itsa Village Housekeeping update 10-5-20
There are many posts here, now, and many more links to other articles and information.
Lately, I've relied heavily on Ronni Bennett of Time Goes By, largely because she is living and sharing her dying.
Don't see how we can get more pertinent to our purpose than that.
I will keep posting here, because it's one of the things I do.
But I have become aware that this blog and, indeed, our Salon have fallen prey to the distractions of the pandemic, internet insecurity, politics, and a general lack of interest. I haven't sent emails about new postings lately because they produce no evidence that any of you are engaged here any longer. That's fine with me, sort of.
There are certainly many more important things on our individual & collective minds these days.
I miss you. ...without intense longing for you. I'm conscious of pulling in.. not sure it is in any good way.
These days - these covid days - I am intensely aware of loneliness as something separate from solitude.
I've always known it, maybe, but I have a new respect for the difference, now.
The biggest critter in that wilderness of Alone that is not solitude, is fear. Fear that the Alone will continue forever.
That I will end up as Ronni is, without someone by the bed when I die. I will have hospice, if that is available then.
And, really, I sell my friends short when I think or assume that they don't care. I know that.
That, and other aspects relating to mental health are why I still talk to a therapist every month.
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