TGB and Betty White!
NPR and Elderhood, a new book.

"The Pinnacle of Adaptation"


"Keeping a human body upright and moving is a spectacular feat of coordination
and reaction under any circumstances. Doing so in the ninth decade of life
magnifies rather than diminishes the beauty of this achievement."    

"It is true that the second half of life includes experiences related to loss,
but it is also true that elderhood is not limited to these things. As we age,
we encounter an unexpected and highly significant rise in the power of adaptation.
The emergence of adaptability is perhaps the most important
and least acknowledged of the virtues of aging."

Dr. Bill Thomas is/was writing regular health columns for TGB. You can find out more about him here or here.

I think the full article is wonderful. It was his first post for TGB and certainly presents a (to me) delightful approach to aging.
He starts off by saying he thinks we're the healthiest group of people on the planet!  His explanation of how that could be makes complete sense to me.

I think you'll enjoy the article.


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